What to Expect
We would love to have you join us on a Sunday morning! Scroll down to learn a little more about what to expect when you come.
A Little Bit About Us
As many are searching for a church, they are dismayed by the division and confusion in the religious world. There are so many groups with so many names and creeds. The Churches of Christ have no creed but Christ, accept no book but the Bible and wear no name but Christian. We believe that when we follow the Bible only, we will be Christians only.
We realize that walking into a church service for the first time can be very intimidating. It is our hope that this introduction will answer some of your questions so that you will feel more comfortable visiting us.
When you come to visit, you will find a very friendly group of people that are committed to serving God and each other. We assure you that you will not be singled out or embarrassed. You will be a welcome guest.
Sunday Meeting Times
Worship (English)
Worship (Spanish)
Bible Study (English)
What to Expect During Our Assemblies
Visitors are always welcome at all of our gatherings.
Singing is an important part of our worship. Each member or visitor in attendance is encouraged to sing from the heart. There are no musical instruments or choirs in our assemblies, just singing. This practice can be traced to the church in the New Testament, where the instrument used was the heart.
Our worship is directed to God. Prayer connects us to Him. When we pray in our assemblies, we express adoration to God, thank Him for His blessings and request His continued care over us. At Dale City, we take prayer very seriously. We have an extensive prayer list and our members and friends are encouraged to make their prayer requests known. We believe that God is attentive to and answers our prayers!
The Lord’s Supper
Before His arrest, Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper, a memorial feast using unleavened bread and fruit of the vine (grape juice). The unleavened bread is used to remind us of Jesus’ body and His suffering on our behalf. The fruit of the vine is used to remind us of the blood that Jesus shed when He was hung upon the cross. Realizing that we are human, Jesus gave us this weekly reminder so that we will not forget what He did for us. The Bible teaches us that when we eat the Lord’s Supper, we remember Jesus and proclaim His death until He comes again! (1 Corinthians 11:23-26)
The Offering
In keeping with the scriptural example, we take up a weekly offering or collection. All of our activities are funded by the free-will contribution of our members. We do not expect our visitors to make a donation. Our offerings are only carried out on Sunday. We believe that by freely giving back to God from what He has blessed us with is a way to worship Him and support His work here on earth.
Bible Reading
The Bible states that we should devote ourselves to the public reading of scripture. (1 Tim. 4:13) In keeping with this instruction, we have selected Scripture readings during our assemblies. Our members use various Bible versions. Some of the versions that are most commonly used are: The New International Version (NIV), The New American Standard Version (NASV), and the Old and New King James Version (KJV or NKJV).
Teaching and Preaching
The reading and teaching of God’s word is designed to instruct and encourage us in finding and following God’s will for our lives. The lessons that are presented bring a mix of history, theology and application for our everyday lives.
Other Activities:
Sunday School and Bible Study
We have classes for all ages, infant to adult. Our classes are offered after morning service on Sunday mornings, 7:00 PM Wednesday evenings (hybrid), as well as other classes during the week. Be sure to check with the church office for more information concerning the classes and training offered by the congregation.
Ladies’ Program
Our ladies have a regular class that meets on Tuesday mornings at 10:00 AM in person and virtually every Sunday evening at 5:00 PM. The ladies take part in a Secret Sisters Program, which is designed to offer encouragement. Our ladies host an occasional ladies’ day activity. Contact the church office for more information about these and other ladies’ activities.
Men’s Program
Our men have a regular class that meets virtually every Monday evening at 7:00 PM. The men take part in prayer breakfasts and other activities which are designed to offer encouragement. Contact the church office for more information about these and other men’s activities.
Senior Outreach
We have a very active outreach to the senior citizens in our community. Bible studies and worship services are conducted at the River Run Apartment complex, and a Bible study is held at the Woodbridge Senior’s Center on Thursday mornings.
Bible Studies
We offer free Bible Correspondence courses as well as personal in-home Bible studies. If either of these is of interest to you, please let us know.
As you can see, we have several activities. These activities are designed to offer training, assistance, and encouragement for our daily walk with the Lord.